What Questions to Ask During a Akashic Reading

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In theosophy and anthroposophy, the akashic records (from akasha, the Sanskrit give-and-take for "sky," "space," or "æther") are a compendium of mystical cognition encoded in a non-physical airplane of existence known every bit the astral plane. The Akashic Records are every thought that has ever been and every probability that volition ever be. You can larn about your past lives past accessing your own Akashic records, so it may help you know yourself ameliorate on a spiritual level. Although it can accept some time and practice to find what you're looking for, you may be able to access your Akashic records using a simple meditation process.

  1. 1

    Identify your intentions for accessing the Akashic records. Earlier you lot attempt to admission the Akashic records, it's helpful to call up about why yous want to do it. What do you want to know and how might this knowledge assist you? Clarify this for yourself before you begin. Not knowing what yous want to find out can event in a disorganized search and you might have a hard time accessing any sort of helpful data.[1]

    • Possible intentions might include agreement why you have a short atmosphere and then y'all tin learn to control it better, gaining clarity on your goals and then y'all can make an important career conclusion, or getting in tune with your values so yous tin seek like-minded people for relationships.

    Tip: Accept your time determining what you're looking for in the Akashic records. The more focused you lot can be in your question, the better your results may be. Attempt costless-writing, talking with friends, and reading to assist you identify your intentions for accessing the Akashic records.

  2. 2

    Write downwards whatsoever specific questions about your by life. Making a list of questions or topics of interest that may assist you to go the information you seek. Try to brand your questions as specific as possible to aid you lot in your search.[2]

    • For example, you lot might ask, "What professions did I have in my by lives?" or "Where did I live in my by lives?" or "Have I ever experienced a tragedy in a by life that is affecting my current life?"


  3. three

    Ask questions that can aid you make a decision in your electric current life. Express a problem yous've been having and and so state or ask for the information you would like. This will help to narrow your search and make any information that you discover more relevant to your current experience.

    • Try saying something like, "I'm because moving to a dissimilar city, merely I change my mind a lot. Is there anything in my past that could help me to understand if this is the best choice for me?"
    • Or you might say, "Lately I've been struggling to trust my significant other. I experience that this is based on something more than I am aware of in my present life. If I am correct, delight provide me with the information on when and how this problem originated."
  4. 4

    Try asking one question at a time to focus more than. This approach might brand it easier to gain clarity on an issue, similar to how you might focus on one aspect of your life at a time during a tarot card or palm reading. Focus on your relationships, career, wellness, and other personal interests one at a time.

    • For example, you might start past request, "Is my relationship going to outcome in marriage or are nosotros just too different for things to piece of work out?"
    • And so, you lot might ask, "Volition I get the promotion I have been working and then hard to go, or volition I take to expect?"


  1. 1

    Land your intention or question aloud and ask for guidance. When you lot feel ready to begin the process of accessing your Akashic records, say what you're looking for out loud. Focus on the question or search query that you take developed. Go on information technology at the forefront of your mind then that you volition remain focused on it during your search.[three]

    • Remember to land your question as specifically as possible, such as past saying, "What professions did I hold in my past lives that may help me to find what I should exist in this life?"
  2. 2

    Sit or lie downwardly in a comfortable, repose identify. You may try to access your Akashic records anywhere, just it helps if you are somewhere that you won't exist interrupted. Try doing this in your bedroom with the door closed. Y'all may desire to attempt this early in the morning, at night, or a time of day when no one else is at dwelling house. Use pillows and blankets to make yourself comfortable.

    Tip: If you're nervous, effort starting off with a protective prayer, such equally by saying, "God (or angels or universe), please protect me as I begin my search and surround me with a shield of white low-cal."

  3. 3

    Breathe deeply for v minutes or longer to relax yourself. Start by closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Inhale through your olfactory organ to the count of iv, and so concur for iv seconds, and exhale through your mouth to the count of 4. Go along to breathe deeply in this mode for five minutes or as long as it takes to get yourself into a state of deep relaxation.

    • Try placing your hands on your stomach to assistance yous focus on your breath.
  4. four

    Meditate on your question while in your deeply relaxed state. One time you lot have entered a state of deep relaxation, clear your heed of all thoughts except for your question. Endeavour repeating your question or search query similar a mantra to stay focused. Your mind may wander at times, and this is normal. If you notice your thoughts straying to day-to-day concerns, redirect yourself to your mantra and go along meditating. Exhale securely throughout the meditation.[4]

    • There are also guided meditations available that you tin use to aid you access the Akashic records.
  5. 5

    Inquire to be granted access to the Akashic records. Once yous have been meditating for five minutes or longer, you may be able to access the Akashic records. Request permission by request out loud or silently, "I am seeking information about my past lives. May I please access the Akashic records to find what I seek?" Subsequently you ask this question, continue to breathe securely and clear your mind.[5]

    • Y'all may hear, feel, or see a response in your listen's eye. Remain patient even if y'all get a negative response. This may merely mean that you need to continue meditating and inquire once again.

    Tip: Keep in mind that for some people, accessing the Akashic records takes multiple tries. If information technology doesn't work for y'all the first fourth dimension, don't be discouraged! Proceed trying until you go the data you seek.

  6. 6

    Wait for information to come into your consciousness. At present that you accept put your question and request for access to the Akashic records out into the universe, the only affair left to exercise is wait. Continue to exhale and meditate and remain receptive to any information that floats into your consciousness as this may be coming from your Akashic record.[6]

    • Behave in mind that the data can take on different forms. You may hear, see, sense of taste, experience, or even odour something that might exist meant to convey a message to y'all.
    • For example, if you've asked about your profession in a previous life, yous might see a hammer in your mind's eye, which could indicate that you were a carpenter or blacksmith. Or, you might experience a sugariness taste, which could indicate that y'all were a baker.

    Warning: Be aware that you may receive information about what you were like in a past life that could be disturbing. Nevertheless, it'south important to remain open to the information and avoid judging yourself for any past beliefs to get the most out of your Akashic reading.

  7. seven

    Innovate yourself and repeat your question to anyone you encounter. Sometimes when you're accessing the Akashic records, y'all might encounter or feel the presence of another beingness or soul nearby. If this happens, introduce yourself and state your question again. The being may be a guardian or keeper of the records who can aid you find the information you seek, or it may be some other soul who yous have known in a past life. Either manner y'all may gain valuable information by taking a moment to introduce yourself and ask for help.[seven]

    • Try maxim something like, "Hello, my proper name is Jonah Johnson and I am looking for data about any phobias I had in my by lives."


  1. 1

    Open your eyes and reorient yourself to your surround. After you stop accessing your records or whenever you're set up to end the meditation, slowly open your eyes. Notice the details of the room you are in, as well every bit the sounds, the smells, and the feel of your environment. Slowly sit dorsum upwards if you were lying downwards. You may also stand upwards or stay seated for a while if you prefer.

  2. 2

    Reflect on the feel after yous finish your meditation. Take out a pen and newspaper and write downwardly anything that you remember virtually the experience. What images did you come across? Did yous feel, smell, taste, or hear annihilation? Read over your notes to await for helpful details from your meditation and keep the notes then you can return to them later.[8]

    Tip: Exist aware that some of the information you receive during your session may non make sense or seem meaningful. However, by continuing to admission the Akashic records, you may meet the meaning of these images becomes clearer and clearer.

  3. 3

    Repeat the process regularly to proceed learning more. Schedule a time once or more often every week to repeat this meditation and access the Akashic records. You may keep the aforementioned question every fourth dimension, or come upward with a new question if you are satisfied with what you got from your last session.[9]

    • For example, if you experience confident that you take learned about all of your past professions, you might move on to enquire about your past relationships next.


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    Can anyone read the Akashic records?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained squad of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Reply

    Theosophists believe that anyone can read the Akashic records, since everyone has contributed to them in some manner during their lifetimes. Yous only take to develop the ability to read them.

  • Question

    Who discovered the Akashic records?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by 1 of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accurateness and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    The idea of the Akashic records was first introduced past the theosophist Alfred Percy Sinnett in 1883. However, earlier theosophists, such as H. P. Blavatsky, had already introduced the idea of akasha (from Sanskrit, significant ether or temper) even earlier that.

  • Question

    What questions should I ask of the Akashic records?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This respond was written past one of our trained squad of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Respond

    It's actually up to you lot! You lot could ask questions like, "What was my function in my past live(due south)?" or "How can I align my life improve with my soul purpose?" You tin also ask about what'due south preventing you from solving various problems in your life, and try to get insight into what y'all could practise differently.

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  • If y'all couldn't access the Akashic Records, try once again later on! It takes do and commitment, only like all things.

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  • Only read your own Akashic records. Never read someone else'due south Akashic records unless y'all have their explicit permission to practice so.


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Article Summary X

Akashic records can help y'all learn about your past lives, which in plow tin can help yous better understand yourself spiritually. Before you effort to access them, figure out what specific matter y'all desire to detect out, which volition help brand your search easier. To admission the records, you lot'll first need to enter a receptive country. Yous can do this by stating your intention or a question you wish to reply out loud. So, sit in a quiet, comfortable space and breathe securely for 5 minutes or and so, which will relax yous and make you more than receptive to the records. Later on 5 or 10 minutes of meditating, enquire to exist granted access to the Akashic records. So, proceed to breathe and meditate as you lot wait for a response. This may come in the class of images, sounds, smells, or tastes. For case, if yous come across a hammer, this could signal you lot were a carpenter in a past life. To learn how to interpret your findings, read on!

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Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Access-Akashic-Records

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